Saturday, December 31, 2011

Gossip yo!

Last day of 2011~
So, this is how i spent my 2nd last day of 2011.
I went to nic's void deck to play badminton with her siblings then we went to playground to play catching with some very small kids. Gosh, whats wrong with me? Hahaha! i can really clique with anyone huh? even small little children.

After that someone came. Who?
*keeping in suspense + drum roll*
Alright, no one special, it was miao! LOL!! HAHAHA! she came out of her laziness!
We were supposed to rollerblade but we ended up sharing information, purely exchanging facts not gossiping!

Im very excited about going ahma's house to countdown later ;)
No matter how much i dont want next year to come because it would be tedious with all work and stresses, i would like it to pass much faster than any year!
See you next year<3