Thursday, January 05, 2012

New year new post

I realised i didnt write HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!
HAHAHA! im like so high(again) on the new year eve! Had awesome family gatherings/ countdown! Look at this picture! It was hard getting them to take picture together but somehow they kind of take it for granted and wanted more ~<3 them !
I seriously cannot stand bro, even he think he missed all important dates too!
He missed his prom(last year), last year family's overseas trip and this year family gathering!!! Im like angry and told him off! However, he realised that too! So, you know? He was kind of guilty and regret! TOO BAD UH! *roll eyes!
HAHAHA! But i still loves him <3

Ohyeah, i am addicted to 料理情人梦 recently! Gosh! its like the best night-drama that i would want to watch before going to bed ;)

Kenji is like soooo hot and cute! I know right, you dont really get the chance to mix hot and cute~because to me, if you're hot, you're cool, NO CUTE! butbutbutubutbutbut he's freaking hot and cute in 料理情人梦!!
李佳颖 is pretty too! She has this fair, close to WHITE skin and yea, flawless face with BIG eyes!
Seriously, you have big eyes=win!
Ohyea, 、鬼鬼also acted in the drama! She grew from cute to pretty ;) i realised like she's quite tall in the drama.

Enough of drama-addicts !
So, recently i was chionging holiday package and i did like 2/3 of it already with a lot(serious) of blanks :( self-esteem decrease !
&& im currently in this state where i think a lot, like freaking a lot!
i am/was thinking about how hard this year would get because im going to take my A level this year. *StressMAX!
and like i will be in this emotional status whenever im thinking of it then huh my itouch would be a total bitch by playing all the emo songs when i already turned it to shuffle mode, THANKS a lot! Then i will be seriously sian diao but what to do? i must face it anyway!!!! *Sian!
I decided to be a nerd until end of A level ! i also scared that i might lose some friends because i wont be going out with them :( and im also thinking of not having birthday party this year BUT ITS MY BIRTHDAY LEH T-T GOSH!!
HAHA, im fine, seriously! I talked myself out of it already! ;) just ranting*
Luckily, i have my bro for me to rant to BUT he need to book in now and then >:( !!!

I wondered if anyone read my blog but still, i wanna BLOG!
That's all, need to wake up freaking early later for tuition! i love tuition~ *like totally,bitch -.-!