Monday, January 09, 2012

Start of school

Like what Haziq said 'This is my last first day of school' YEAP!
First day of school wasnt that bad as i expected. Because im not in that very stress-up-f-up situation YET. Hahaha! i read the timetable wrongly and thought that today end at 6pm but that only for the malay lit *PHEW~
I was so bu-shuang yesterday because i seriously thought school end at 6pm on mon and 4.30pm on thurs... and i rant it to everyone! Hehehe!
Lessons wasnt that fast-paced yet, had common break with Jerica, i like!
Sad thing is no M.T anymore, cannot talk crap with Zoea ! AND lessons were a bit boring without Arun ~ i miss pushing away his left hand, waking him up during lessons and threatening to leak his secret out! Hehehehe! Totally so Arun!

Oh yeap! My friends and cousin got their O level result. Wasnt as good as i anticipated but i believed they did their best already~
Lastly, i want to be a mugger this year until the end of A level. Im freaking scare of A level, im serious. i tried telling some of my friends but i guessed they dont understand how freaking panic im so they ask me to 'take a chill pill' *Speechless ! Hahaha!
Goodnight *-*