Saturday, January 17, 2015


I've never felt this lousy before :(
Sigh! Sometimes I feel that I should just don't care everything and do what I want but sometimes I feel that I should be responsible for my own actions.
Damn it! I've been avoiding this word for as long as I can, RESPONSIBILITY. I am a very pampered friend so in sec and JC I'm very well taken care off by my friends. The point I turned 20 the number two changed my life. I begin to shoulder responsibility and be reliable for my own actions.
Well, nobody like consequences but being myself, so burden and never leave my comfort zone before, I actually bear a lot of consequences.
I lost best friends, my comfort zone and trust from others. Therefore I hated responsibility. However, because of responsibility, I learn a lot and I become a mature individual. I used to depend so much on my friends. I'm not perfect, I'm still learning to be a better person.
I do miss my best friends a lot but I want to thank them for forcing me to grow up.

I remembered this story my teacher once told me like in my face. She said that any type of relationship is like flying a kite. It will snapped if you pull it too tightly and it will fly away if you handle it loosely. I didnt really get it at that time because life was good. I guess I can fully understand it now after losing my best friends.

I'm not trying to rant but I wanna keep a post so that when I look back I will see how far I've come and I need to be a better person 💪 I believe I can do it.

On a side note, I still hate school -.-