Well... I haven't been blogging for quite a long time and since subiang said it would be nice to continue blogging and i kind of feel i need to keep a record of what is happening in my life :)
So... how's life?
I guess it is good! HAHAHAHA!
Let me just write down whatever I am thinking right now.
One thing i don't like about uni life is the level of stress i am experiencing. I do not have enough sleep and my homework are forever unfinished. You might think that JC is bad enough, failing everthing but life goes on. Huh, come try uni. Uni is like average result for a specific module, 70. LOLOLOLOL Okay, si min can do it! Hahahaha! I can't even, i'm always not at the average range *Sighpie I guess it's alright, there are always people who do better than you. As long as i tried my best, i will get the grade i deserved (I am saying this with tears in my eyes HAHAHAHA! kiddingz)
I came out with this quote because i feel everyone is competitive, one way or another.
So here's the quote
"Don't compete with anyone because even if you win them, you are only their level. Win yourself and you will be upz there, where you belong."
Wise words from wise person.
Well... I've come to realisation that it is not the amount of friends you make in life. Having a few true friends is better than being surrounded by many fake friends. True enough, there are a lot of fake people in uni. Being all nice to you just to gain something from you. BLAH! I am thankful that i am friend with subzerazs! Even though there are days we quarrel, fight and don't wanna talk to each other, i am still thankful that she is still by my side :') Tears of joy. Speaking of subae, let me tell you something about her. She is... not that like any of my other friends that i have and i don't know how we eventually become bestest best friend. Hmm...She is extremely patience and honest. She is also smart. I also learnt a lot from her. I think she is the only one friend that totally leave me alone when i'm throwing my tantrum. I think i throw my tantrum lesser because nobody will be there to pamper me anymore. URGH! Time to grow up. Growing up sucks especially when you got friend like sub, she will just let you handle yourself :( Haizxc! It is a good thing, i need to learn to grow out of my princess syndrome. She is the only one friend in my life that we hardly had any telepathy and worst of all our likes are completely opposite. Oh yea, I am a freaking extrovert and she is more of an introvert even though you see more of her extrovert side. Wells.., she like to say that opposite attract, which i don't disagree. Basically, all i wanna say is that I appreciate subiang as my friend who is always there for moi.

I wanna talk about my dad. Everyone know that i am closer to my mom and i'm like a younger version of my momma ^^
My dad is a very traditional man. He is quite superstitious and value chinese culture very much. My dad is a very respectable man. Every time i attend some event, function or wedding dinner with my dad, his friends will always come to us and tell us how capable my dad is. It takes a lot for my dad to be this capable, the amount of time he put in and the amount of stress he suffered... My mom told me that whenever they attend wedding dinner hosted by my dad's worker, they will always wait for my dad to arrive before serving. I guess my dad must mean a lot to them for them to delay the dinner. Probably because he is my dad, i don't see what the others see in him but i do realise that my dad is very proud of us(his children) when speaking of us in front of his friends. Even though I do not exceed in my academic, my parents never put stress on me especially my dad. They will always be comforting me saying that "尽力就好” Maybe i know my parents do not care much about my result so i always study halfheartedly. It is so difficult to excel in uni, everyone is so upz there! It is so tired to wanna try to level with them so i choose the easy way out. I will try my best to get better result. I know i can do it, i will do it!
End of today with a good note.
Love myself a little more everyday ~